Why Alpha Phi Alpha?
Why Alpha Phi Alpha? Why Alpha Phi Alpha?

Esprit de Fraternité – the Spirit of Fraternity. Once upon a time, we all sat on the opposite side of the table; wishing, hoping, desiring to be a member of the House of the Black and Old Gold. And when we had our opportunity to interview, we all [spoke of] what we will do for Alpha – how Alpha will become the best organization in the world, because I had an opportunity/because I will have an opportunity to become a Brother. We talked [of] how because the weight of Alpha was on our shoulders, we would make certain that it never failed.
Esprit de Fraternité – the Spirit of Fraternity. Remember that feeling. Remember how you felt when you watched the Brothers of the Black and Old Gold walk across the campus; as you watched the Brothers as they [performed] the service throughout the community. Remember the goose bumps that went up your arms and how you said, “My chance is coming.”
That chance is now Brothers. We do a lot, this is a Fraternity. This is a Brotherhood – everything we do is about Brotherhood, because I am my Brothers’ keeper. I am responsible for making certain that my Brother is always, consistently uplifted. Whether that be through providing leadership programs to make certain that my Brother has an opportunity to be properly trained. Whether that be by making a phone call to my Brother, to make certain that when he is down, he has an uplifting word.
Why Alpha Phi Alpha? Sometime ago Brothers I had to ask myself that question and I came up with a simple answer; because I love my Organization. It is my responsibility as a Brother, as a member of this House to ensure that this organization continually strives towards excellence. So that everything that I said during my interview as an aspirant would always hold true.
I am my Brothers keeper. Esprit de Fraternité – it’s about making certain that every Brother has the opportunity to be properly trained. We do train leaders; we send a ton of leaders out into the world. They represent Alpha. Everyday you wake up you represent Alpha Phi Alpha. Everyday you to got sleep, everything you did during that day represented Alpha Phi Alpha – what do people say about you? Why Alpha Phi Alpha? Why Mills for Eastern Region Vice President? Simple. We need a people motivator, a Brother motivator, a Brother who communicates, a Brother who has a strategy and a vision, to lead our Region from where our past Regional Vice Presidents have brought us, and take us to the next level.

We need a Brother who understands, a Brother who has served as Chapter President and has gone through reclamation efforts to raise a chapter from a chapter of 62 to a chapter of 145. We need a Brother who understands that this is life and life happens, Brothers can’t make it to every meeting because everything we do we meet about. “That’s okay Brothers you don’t have to come to every meeting, just hold up your end of the bargain and the rest of us in the House of Alpha will make certain it continues.
Why Mills for Eastern Region Vice President? Because Brothers its time; its time to continue moving onward and upward towards the light with a vision that is unwavering; a vision that is unregretful; a vision that is purely focused on the Brothers of this region, that is purely focused on the Brothers of this fraternity; because at the end of the day this is a fraternity. Vote for Mills for Eastern Region Vice President and Brothers I’ll guarantee you, you’ll do nothing but smile with joy.
Have a great day.