Whatever it takes
When you’re serious about doing the work of Alpha, you’ll do whatever it takes.

Last night, I made a visit to the Brothers of Rho Chapter in Philadelphia – “The City of Brotherly Love.” And after braving the elements, almost felt as if I’d begun upholding the post office’s slogan, “through rain, and sleet, and snow…”
As soon as we made it into the Philly metro area, the snow just began to pour. Now loving snow as much as I do, it was a pleasure to welcome it, however, by the time we made it to the Belmont Mansion, at least 2″ – 3″ had to have fallen.
Though the chapter meeting had a little less attendance than normal, it was good to be amongst the Brothers of Rho chapter and to take an oppportunity to speak with them regarding the Esprit de Fraternite – Mills for Eastern Region VP – campaign. The Brothers were very welcoming and receptive to the message.
Most of all, Brothers showed a keen interest in how other chapter’s are operating, as we discussed dues structures of various chapters, and whether or not the current economy has impacted Brothers’ ability to remain financial.
Snow at the Belmont Mansion - Philadelphia, PA - Snow at the Belmont Mansion – Philadelphia, PA
In the end, we resolved, Brothers will do “whatever it takes” to support and uphold the banner and light of Alpha. Our history has shown that in times of economic depression and recession, Alpha Phi Alpha continues to move forward with very little to no impact.
This is the essence of Alpha. This is the true measure of Brotherhood. Will we do “whatever it takes” to further the aims and goals of our Fraternity. If driving through a minor snow blast/storm and supporting the organization during tight economic times is any indication, the answer is a resounding YES. (Did I mention it took about an hour or more just to get out of Philadelphia?)
Continue dedicating your self to service for all mankind – in the name of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.