What an Experience!

My Brothers, this has been an experience!
This has been a journey that cannot be compared to any other experience – this quest to become the Eastern Region Vice President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. This has been confirmation of the very purpose for which I became an Alpha man, all while witnessing the test of Brotherhood passed time and time again by Brothers of all backgrounds and belief systems. Through this process, Alpha has been experienced at its greatest point of fellowship, encouragement, diversity, challenge, and success.
When we began this journey last year, it was to ensure Brothers of the Eastern Region were provided the opportunity to have the best possible leadership as we chart the course for our future. The campaign platform was one that many Brothers immediately identified as being relative to their experiences within Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.
We’ve talked about the true meaning of Fraternity, and how leadership plays a role to ensure there are opportunities to stregthen the bond that brings us together. We’ve spoken of Leadership, and how to best prepare leaders, from within Alpha, in order to aid and serve “…downtrodden humanity…” Just as intense have been our discussions on service and how to best ensure African-American males are prepared to transition to institutions of higher learning; for without them we’ll cease to exist. Most of all we’ve discussed how to manage our financial resources in such a way that we plan, sufficiently, for the future of our Organization.
Though this campaign has been specifically focused on garnering your support and the votes of the various chapter delegates, the numerous chats, meetings, phone conversations, and visits (chapter and district) with so many of you has provided a most enriching experience that will never be forgotten or lost.
Thank you, for affirming the essence of Esprit de Fraternité, the Spirt of Fraternity – Fraternity, Service, and Leadership – exists throughout Alpha!