Top ten things to do when you’re bored on a bush taxi
10. Turn around and stare constantly at the person directly behind you.
9. Sing “I’m Henry the VIII I Am” for the duration of the bush taxi ride.
8. Accuse the driver of being the sorcerer who turned you into a newt (triton en francais) and demand your money back.
7. Keep begging your neighbor to give you 100 CFA. When s/he does, say, “Oui, c’est cent francs” and give it back. Repeat.
6. Ask everyone on the bush taxi, “Tu me gardes quoi?”
5. At every rest stop, get in the driver’s seat and play “La Cucaracha” on the horn.
4. Go into a lengthy diatribe about how skin color should be irrelevant in modern society.
3. Constantly ask the driver “Are we there yet?”
2. Try to sell the baby on the lap of the lady next to you.
1. Give the “chargeur” your seat and hang out the back of the bush taxi, charging people extra money because, “C’est le taxi American.”