The time is now

A few weeks have passed since the last entry, however, considering the significance of this week to the men of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and the 102 years of history behind us, this is a call, to all duly initiated members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., to reaffirm the oath taken on our respective dates of initiation, and once again dedicate ourselves to the true purpose of our dear Fraternity.
If you do so at no other time in the near future, now is the time to become financial (whether as a member-at-large or as a member to a specific chapter). The quickest way to become financial is to sign into or sign-up for an account on AlphaNet, and pay your grand tax on-line.
If you’re looking for a chapter to affiliate with, visit the national website, and locate the chapter nearest you.
Another way to contact with a chapter, within the Eastern Region, you wish to reaffiliate with is to use the chapter’s “Official Chapter email Address.” For example, if the chapter’s name is Delta Lambda, the email address would be; if its Mu Upsilon, the chapter email address would be
All chapter addresses follow the following syntax; with the exception of Alpha Chapter, which is Once you identify a chapter with which you wish to affiliate, send an email and an officer will contact you immediately.
Brothers, for all that we profess, for all that we discuss and debate on listservs, now is the time to show the loyalty and dedication to the organization whose aims and ideals some pontificate on a regular. Come back to Alpha, what’s old, is what’s new!
Let’s continue to proactively move Alpha into the forefront and post the largest number of reclaimed Brothers of any organization.