Reclamation and Retention: Alpha gets Honorable Mention
[In response to Bro. Kirk Carrington’s (Delta Lambda Chapter) January 20, 2009 post on the AlphaEast Listserv regarding Reclamation and Retention and subsequent posts responding to it.]
Kudos to Brother Carrington for continually reminding us of our “commitment” to Alpha Phi Alpha. For a Brother young in the fold, he often speaks as one who’s observed quite a bit over his Alpha time.
What is our purpose for being members of Alpha? Why did we join this august body? Was it for the history? the “over-estimated” networking opportunities? because of the parties? the fact that women were attracted to “frat boys?” or was it to be a part of something greater than ourselves?
Whatever our individual reasons for joining, Alpha’s purpose, in each of our lives, has become duplicitous. During all of our initiation processes, the focus was on “Brotherhood.” Not just hanging with your Brothers, but being positively supportive of your Brother in any way possible.
Brotherhood? Supportive? Does that mean one has to actually be “proactive” within Alpha?
When you wrote your essay on why you wanted to become a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, did any of your answers indicate you wanted to “tap into a vast network to assist you with your life’s goals?” OR… Did you respond of how you wanted “to be a part of a worthwhile organization working to uplift the downtrodden in our community?”
Did you write how you wanted Alpha to “find the best employment opportunity and stake claim to future financial windfalls?” OR… Did you talk about the “respect for the organization’s history and wanting to be a part of the Brotherhood?”

Yesterday, January 20, 2009, we all witnessed the inauguration of the first African-American / Black / Colored / Negro President of the United States/United States of America, who challenged us to be proactive within this “New Era of Responsibility.”
Brothers, Alpha Phi Alpha and the men/Brothers of Alpha have been doing so since 1906. The jewels created an organizational structure from which we could have a natural support male base, to strengthen and regenerate us throughout the ages. While some have bastardize their purpose for joining, we must remember, rekindle, and renew that fraternal spirit that brought us to and into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.
The more we do for Alpha Phi Alpha, the more we do for ourselves. It takes action. It takes being responsible for ensuring you are always your Brothers’ keeper, and in doing so, the universe will naturally reward you for your GIVING.
So as Brother Carrington suggested, if we do nothing else during our Alpha lifetime – if we never step into a chapter meeting, or attend a district, regional or general conference/convention – we are obligated by the tenets of Esprit de Fraternité, to pay our financial obligations to our organization. In so doing, we assist the Brotherhood in immeasurable ways.