Pi Upsilon Lambda Chapter Meeting
Thanks to Bro. Paul Brown and the good Brothers of Pi Upsilon Lambda Chapter for their hospitality. Last night there was an opportunity to address the Brothers of PUL and engage in some dialogue regarding the important issues of the Fraternity.

Anyone who believes or even thinks a regional election is a “walk in the park” process, should follow my schedule. Brothers are engaged and want to ensure the next leader of this region has the fortitude to withstand the rigors of such an office.
In the end, Brothers are genuinely focused on knowing what a candidate’s plan is to move Alpha (and the Eastern Region) to the next level. The Brothers of PUL were just as concerned about ensuring a strengthened relationship between college and alumni Brothers, as they were with regional and national goals.
In short, will there be a focus on strengthening the “Brotherhood” bond between us all.
As I close this entry, it should be noted that not only is Brotherhood (Fraternity) the first tenet of the Esprit de Fraternité platform, it is also the most discussed topic within the blog postings, as well as the “Alpha Prose” section of this site. Without the Brotherhood there is now Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity…there would be no INC to handle the business of what the Brotherhood does. The fraternal bond is what brought us together, and will continue to guide us as we move forward in strengthening the Brotherhood.
As one good Brother always notes within his email signature file, this is what I encourage all to do: “Think Alpha Phi Alpha, Talk Alpha Phi Alpha, Promote Alpha Phi Alpha, and Labor for the broad principles of idealism for which Alpha Phi Alpha was created, so that humanity shall look on us as a body worthwhile.” (Bro. Henry L. Dickason, 6th General President-elect).
Did I mention having been honored to partake of some of the BEST banana pudding, during repast, I’ve ever had this side of my grandmother? WOW! Thank you to Bro. Paul Brown and the Brothers of PUL, your concerns and thoughts will remain prevelant throughout this campaign.