PAAC Conference

It was good to visit the Powerfull PAAC this past weekend. Let me first say to Brother Sean McCaskill, PAAC President, and the Brothers of PAAC, thank you for your hospitality and the brief moments to share in the bond of Brotherhood. Also, congratulations to the newly elected officers and well wishes on your upcoming administration
Thankfully, the drive to West Chester University was pretty quick – or it could’ve been my lead foot (smile). This was once again an opportunity to meet and socialize, on a different level, with Brothers. Something about the atmosphere of West Chester, PA reminded me of Frostburg – that “small town” feeling.
It was truly inspiring to see the large number of College Brothers participating in the business sessions, and the conference overall. Who knew there would be six participants in the Belford V. Lawson Oratorical Contest? Its refreshing to know all Brothers are focused on ensuring Alpha Phi Alpha remains “First of all…”
Considering all the good we do, we’ve gotta become better stewards of the “Body of Alpha” and champion our own press. We should distribute press releases far and wide, and create websites honoring and touting the outstanding scholarship, work and vision of such an august body of men. Who better to counteract the misfortunes that often end up on front pages, than a body of African American men, focused on leading our communities to a better place?
Its good to know that inspite of the efforts of some, “…the monarch of this house…” will always outlast anything else. Let’s all continue to “live Alpha” 24/7.
Bro. R. Anthony Mills
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