NYACOA Conference

First let me say to Brother Keith Price, NYACOA President, and the Brothers of NYACOA, THANK YOU! Your hospitality during this weekend’s conference was truly appreciated. The NYACOA District Conference was indeed a time for Brothers to get together and handle the business of Alpha. Congratulations to the Association’s newly elected officers, as well as those returning.
As has been mentioned in a previous entry, the bond of Brotherhood is about proximity. During the course of a day, there are a number of Brothers we communicate with via email, or from reading posts on the AlphaEast listserv. However, once you put faces with names (or names with faces), the shared experiences have one feeling as if you’ve known one another for years; and for all intents and purposes, in some cases, this may be.
Attending a district conference gives Brothers the opportunity to meet and socialize on a level far different from a Regional or General Convention; wouldn’t be surprised if the Marriott Thruway has not seen such late night gatherings in a long while. Thanks to Bro. Mill Etienne and the Brothers from Alpha Gamma Lambda, who extended their spirits and hospitality…I went out like a light!
Also learned that Bro. Norman Fields and I were already connected within six degrees of separation; who knew he played ball for U of Maryland (’95 – ’00) and worked with Keith Booth and Curtis Schultz (my former cardio-kickboxing instrcutor from Padonia BrickBodies)? Guess he was as equally surprised to learn of my involvement in the Baltimore music scenes during his college days. Brotherhood.
Friday we participated in the Miss Black & Gold pageant and watched the “Greek Family” stepshow; that was definitely a nice idea. Must say, I’ve noticed that Deltas are stepping “hard” these days…wow! There were probably other events going on afterwards, but after a long day at work, the flight and sitting through a Miss Black & Gold Pageant and stepshow, a Brother had to get some shut eye.
On Saturday the business was in full swing. As the Brothers carried out the business of NYACOA, we spent some time meeting and speaking with Brothers as they entered the building; and shared with them a vision for the Eastern Region – a vision that would ensure they’re proud to be a part of the Region of Alpha’s birth. The questions during the Candidate’s Forum and the College Brothers Caucus, confirmed Brothers are fully engaged in the Alpha electoral process and focused on how an affirmative vote for Mills would benefit the region.
Oh, lest I forget, I also had an opportunity to meet (face-to-face) Bro. Kyle Bollar, thank you for your hospitality and for allowing me to tag along for the brief “Brotherhood Social” prior to Saturday’s banquet. However, I must make one recommendation for Albany…”stock some Chivas!” (LOL)

We had an opportunity to drive to Troy, NY to visit the gravesite of Jewel Bro. George Biddle Kelley and perform an Omega Service. Brothers, it was a very humbling experience to stand at the foot of where a founder lay. As we were standing and receiving a brief history lesson from Bro. Chris Ellis, we realized Bro. Kelley is very likely buried next to his mother and father; this is a fact several of us vowed to check into. Thanks to Bro. Rufus “Spy” Sadler for proving no matter our status, we’re not beyond providing service to the Frat (hope you arrived home in time to take care of the curtains at the Frat house – smile).
Finally, I must thank Bro. Chris Ellis. This Brother made certain we were picked up from the airport when we arrived, transported us to the gravesite and made certain we were returned to the airport – on time! Bro. Ellis, definitely thank you for your hospitality, it was truly appreciated.
Bro. R. Anthony Mills