Kappa Epsilon Lambda Chapter Meeting
Last night I visited with the Brothers of Kappa Epsilon Lambda. Thanks to Bro. Stan Cunningham for allowing an opportunity to address the Brothers. We are all connected through this common bond and are each working in a collective manner to impact society in a positive way. As I’ve travelled about, there have been a number of Brothers who have a connection to a member of Delta Lambda chapter; and as always, I take the good tidings back to the respective Brothers.
You know, there are a some who may say college Brothers aren’t engaged in our “political” process. Well, its not clear which college Brothers they’re referring to, as each of those I’ve met have proven they’re just
as intune with the happenings as any Brother from an alumni chapter. As a matter of fact, two of the Brothers from Eta Zeta (KEL’s parterning college chapter) were extremely focused on the details educational portion of the Esprit de Fraternité platform. These are definitely two Brothers that will be immersed within the leadership ranks of Alpha.
The Brothers of KEL and Eta Zeta have proven Alpha’s relevance will continue well into the future. Thank you to Bro. Stan Cunningham and KEL for your hospitality; we look forward to having you all as a part of Team Esprit!