Iota Upsilon Lambda Chapter Meeting

This past weekend I had the opportunity to visit with the Brothers of Iota Upsilon Lambda, who are doing magnificent things in Maryland.
In 1999, Iota Upsilon Lambda purchased the former Smithville Colored School also known as the Smithville Rosenwald School named after Julius Rosenwald who provided seed money to establish Southern schools for people of color (for information visit here Article from IUL website | Article from Historical Marker Database) from Montgomery County, with the understanding that we would rehabilitate the school’s main historic building by creating a Museum and an Education Center. This particular school was built in 1927 and closing in 1952. The Smithville School is believed to be one of only 5 still standing in Maryland.
The chapter meets in this former one room school house and have shown a commitment to handling the business of Alpha by taking a symbol, representative of a different time in American history, and using it for the benefit of all Americans.
With all that Alpha Phi Alpha has done to promote education and scholarship, it is fitting that the Brothers have purchased such a monument for future generations to see and appreciate where we all began. It was also good to see the Brothers focused on that side of Alpha that ensures we maintain a solid organizational structure — without it, how would the Brotherhood exist?
In all this was a very good visit with us leaving with financial contributions and an endorsement. What more can a candidate ask for? Thank you to Bro. Langston Smith and the members of IUL; you all will not be forgotten.