Congressional Black Caucus Reception

It was a good night tonight. As I went around (read: worked the room) to inform Brothers of my candidacy, a number of them were already aware; apparently someone began a “whisper campaign” before my announcement. Hmmm.
A few even came to me to say they would contribute in anyway I needed them to — makes a Brother feel good when others believe you have something to offer for the greater good of the Brotherhood. It was an EXCELLENT night for the social side of the campaign. Still humbled with the number of Brothers receptive to my candidacy.

At one point in the evening, served as host along with Bro. Bill Wade, as there were a few guests who felt neglected because they’d not met any Alpha Men. Well, we made certain they did not leave before meeting as many Alpha Men as possible; needless to say, they were ecstatic (and a few Brothers were smiling as well).