Beware of What You Want

About this time each year I go through a process of deep thought to determine how I’d like to reflect on the blessing of the past 365 days. Last year’s post was to give thanks to those in my life (past and present) and a reflection on my lifetime inspiration – Naomi Mills Williams, my grandmother.
While contemplating what to write for this year, I thought of a number of things. As always I’m thankful, but that’s the norm…I give thanks each day I’m allowed to awaken and place my feet on the carpet of my bedroom. I give thanks for the blessings of my family – immediate and extended. I give thanks for the ability to move about freely without restriction, physical or imposed. But that’s the norm.
However, while thumbing through the June, July, August (2010) Daily Bread, I came across an entry that made me stop. “Beware of What you Want” Specifically, because of the quote at the bottom – “Contentment is realizing that God has already given me all I need.” That was it…that was the inspiration needed to encapsulate how I feel about the past 365 days. God has given me all I need.
Once upon a time I would not have dared written so blatantly open regarding my religion and the fact that I give all praise and honor to a merciful God. Once upon a time I was searching to determine the source of what makes everything in the world go ’round. Numerology didn’t provide the solution, though it gave insight. Buddhism didn’t provide the solution, though it gave insight. Islam didn’t provide the solution, though it gave “significant” insight. It wasn’t until I returned to where I began that I realized I had the answer all along. There’s One God and there shall be no other besides him. God has given me all I need.
My awaking thanks each morning is evidence of that fact. A look into the eyes of my family is evidence of that fact. The thanks (spoken and unspoken) from those I work to help is evidence of that fact. No matter what happens during the course of my day or life, God has given me all I need.
A profound statement made each Sunday by Pastor PM Smith has helped me to realize this more and more. My vertical relationship with God has made my horizontal relationships with other possible. The fact that I consciously give praise to a God that has saved me and given me all that I need is evidence that my vertical relationship with Him, has granted me the things I love most and all the things I give thanks for daily.
The Daily Bread passage from July 7, 2010 goes on to give a little passage:
“When you covet someone else’s things, thinking that they’re better than your own; just remember that God’s gifts to you were designed for you and you alone.” (~ Hess)
We should all be so blessed as to have the ability to thank Him for the daily blessings we don’t even deserve. No matter your faith, religion or spirituality, give thanks to the ONE…the One God…the One Faith. There is only one. There are many roads that move you in the direction, but there is only one path that takes you all the way to Him…the One and Only True Source.
Today I thank my God for 44 years on this earth – I was born (to Rosalind B. Mills and Ronald E. King) October 18, 1966 at 9:30am in Kings County Hospital, NY, NY. I thank Him for my family, friends and associates. I thank Him for my successes and the lessons from my failures. I thank Him for taking me through a path to realize He is the True God and there is no other but Him. I give thanks for all this and more.
The best gift anyone can give to me today is the knowledge of knowing their life and salvation are in the hands of our God. Peace be unto Him (PBUH).