Annual MAAC Conference
The annual MAAC Conference was good. With all the recent campaigning in other districts, its good to come home and speak with the Brothers you see on a quasi-regular basis. Moreover, it was good to come home and lead the Brothers chapter of Delta Lambda in our comeptition for chapter of the year. While I’m happy to travel throughout the Eastern Region and speak with Brothers regarding future service to the Region, there’s nothing like coming home to assist your home chapter in efforts to prove how we’re one of the best at what we do for and within Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

While this was not our year, we were happy to come in as runner-up. Next year, its ours! Hopefully we’ll have the submitted information digitized and placed on line (on the forthcoming, NEW and improved chapter website) for you all to view.
Overall, the conference was good. There was plenty of opportunity to speak with Brothers from throughout the district, and answer their questions. Speaking in front of a group is good, however, there’s nothing like responding directly to Brothers’ questions, thoughts or concerns.
In just a little over a month from now the Brothers of the Eastern Region will cast their votes for the Brother they believe will take the Region to the next level. The Mills 4 ERVP campaign team is very hopeful that we’ll be successful in our quest to elect the best candidate for the job.