An Alpha Silver Anniversary

August, 1984 was the beginning of my college career. In those early days as a student at Frostburg State University, I was witness to four young men “venturing” to become a part of an elite group of men – men of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. My understanding of that determination would culminate in my initiation on March 11, 1987 (10:36 p.m.)…and now 25 years later is as good a time as any for reflection.

Thinking back on the cold nights of marching through the campus, standing at the clock tower or even making runs to “The Chuck Wagon” … wow. NOTE: ANYONE who says they’d do it again is…well…A LIAR.

When those interested in Alpha sat for our interviews to determine whether we met the criteria to become a member of the “fold,” we all spoke of how much and what we wanted to do for Alpha Phi Alpha. Though many may have been called to make their claim, few were chosen to prove the integrity of their statements.

All know the tenets of Alpha Phi Alpha are “Manly Deeds, Scholarship and Love for All Mankind.” However, what’s most important is the mission of the fraternity –
“Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.”

After 25 years in the Brotherhood, it goes without saying that the Fraternity has provided countless opportunities for the development of leadership skills. While there were definitely leadership characteristics in place, it goes without saying Alpha has had an enormous impact on the lens’ through which the world is viewed.

Isn’t it interesting that an organization focused on brotherhood first notes leadership in its mission. Look at some who have been and are members of the ranks:

Senator Edward Brooke, Judge Joe Brown, Congressman Roland Burris, Countee Cullen, Ambassador Horace Dawson, Mayor David Dinkins, E. Franklin Frazier, Gov. Walter Gordon, Dick Gregory, Rev. T.J. Jemison, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , Belford V. Lawson, Jr., Justice Thurgood Marshall, Roland S. Martin, Mayor Ernest Morial, Mayor Marc Morial, Fritz Pollard, Jr., Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., Hugh Price, Congressman Charles Rangel, Stuart Scott, John B. Slaughter, Louis W. Sullivan, Judge James R. Williams, Ambassador Andrew Young, Whitney M. Young

One can see the list of Alphas on Wikipedia is a venerable showing of who’s who in Black America. Every one of these men espoused not just the tenets, but the underlying beliefs and purpose of our Fraternity.

Then there’s this thing called brotherhood. Since the beginning men of Alpha have debated whether our focus is “business” or “brotherhood.” Actually, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is in the “business of brotherhood.” Its want makes us unique from those that followed. A part of why this body of Brothers exists is for us as leaders to promote “brotherhood.” Though there are varying opinions of how to do so, at the end of the day “we are our brothers’ keepers.” Brotherhood signifies a relationship; one established because we all pledged the same oath to uphold the laws of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Brotherhood (and its strength) is about proximity. We have a relationship as a result of our “Oath of Allegiance,” however; the proximity is what determines the strength of this relationship. In the end, to be a part of the “Brotherhood” requires action.

Now some 25 years later academic excellence among Alpha appears to be more of a “stigma” than a badge of honor, as today’s culture appears to deemphasize its importance. It’s for this reason my life is currently dedicated to provide service to and advocacy for our community. The focus of my church – Huber Memorial – says it best, “Rescue the children, in order to Redeem the family, in order to Recreate the community.”

In retrospect, Alpha has been a valued part of where I am today. Just as with any family there are issues – we argue, fight, fuss and work to best the other – however, just as with any family, once you join (or connect), it’s a “forever” bond…there is no out. “Alpha’s in my heart and it never parts!”